My Cats
I was intending to make a post about my precious cat named Katty <3 She's been my cat ever since she was a little baby... like 1 month old.. and adopted her from a good lady who picked all the babies up from the street to find them a home =) I was walk-passing to the store and saw her and decided one of them would be mine =) This was my Katty when she was just 2 or 3 month old... And she used to sleep with her little cat <3 haha Now, after a few years hahaa like... 10 years, she's now a full grown lady cat... so stilish and pretty hahaha I love her even more. Very pretty right??? =) As for her personality, she's got so little patience, she likes to be touched and hugged just a little and later she doesn't want and starts biting and scratching; but that doesn't stop me haha I love to tease her... She's always where the people is and observes. She is not confident with everybody but when she finds someone that she...